I have been racking my brain for a cutsie post title today, it never came. So here goes!
Yesterday I cramped most of the day. Nothing too bad, just uncomfortable. Feeling JUST LIKE I was going to say hello to my little friend. BUT at about 3:30pm, I went to the bathroom. Sounds eventful huh? Got you on the edge of your seat? Well I played the TP Tango and there was some pink. OMG! Further wipage and a brown smudge. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! So then I go straight to the phone, call the nurse. Press one for the "if you are having bleeding or pelvic pain" and got the nurse. Went through all the normal, "It could be implantation bleeding", or it could be "a miscarriage and in which case there is nothing that you can do about it." I was so relieved, NOT! So I went back to the bathroom about every 20 minutes. Some realllllly light brown spots, but thats it. By 6pm, they were gone. Cramping continued.
I went in for blood work this morning. They wanted to check my progesterone, which is normal. But she said, "you are scheduled for your beta on Monday, you could actually have done it Saturday. But since we don't do them on the weekends, thats why you were scheduled for Monday." Okay yada yada. Get to the good part. "So lets just do a beta Friday". YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Lets DO!
So I went in this morning. It was quick. They were busy. I was in and out in 10 minutes plus the hour drive there and hour drive back home. I decided not to go to work, I was a basket case anyway. Waited obviously all day. 2:30pm. She called. I woke Angel up from a nap. I said, "ITS HER, GET UP!" I put the nurse on the speaker phone so we heard at the exact same time. Usually I can tell from the first word that she says whether it is positive or negative. I couldnt this time. So finally she said it. "Hollie, You are pregnant".
Long and short of it, beta 7dp6dt is 38.5 Progesterone 13.5 and Estrogen 2hundred something. They don't want to see me until next friday for another beta. She left the door open that if I "needed to come in before that" I could. So I'll wait and see. But for now, I'm going to be calm about it and enjoy this week. I'm cautiously excited. No pee sticks for me though. I've decided they aren't good for my brain.
I knew this time I felt differently than any other time. I've cramped more than any of the others. Also, I had the little bit of bleeding. PLUS I have gotten to where I can't keep my eyes open past about 2pm for the last 4 days. I'm just waking up from the most marvelous nap. But I had to let ya'll know where it stands. We are just soaking up God's glory. I feel peace and calmness, because for the first time in all this, I really do have it all in HIS hands.
So right now, I'm the proud recipient of a miracle. It feels so good.
Congrats! Praying that everything continues to go well.
Oh, how very exciting, you're pregnant! Oh!! I'm so very happy for you, and I pray this is just the beginning of many, many more positive phone calls. Congratulations!!!
Hollie, I am a friend of Patricia's and followed your comment on her blog only to read your fantastic news.
I pray that God sustains your pregnancy and you have a wonderful time awaiting your little miracles.
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