Thank you for all the comments and notes of encouragement. They are all such a blessing.
I'm incredibly upbeat today. Yesterday, I tried to go to work. It took me 2 hours to get ready. But I went. I stayed for a whopping 2 hours, and my boss told me to go home. On my way home, the nurse called. We had 16 embies yesterday all dividing well. Then I told her about my symptoms and she said I should come to the office today so we could get a baseline idea of how bad the OHSS could/would be. So I napped yesterday, ate lots of protein, limited my fluid intake, and today I feel better.
We still went into the office this morning. Got all checked out. Haven't heard from the bloodwork, but I feel better and the ultrasound didn't show anything that lead them to believe I shouldn't go ahead with the transfer on Sunday, as planned. My ins and outs are still pretty much equal, thanks to the increased protein. That will keep me breathing well. Its a chore, but its SO WORTH IT!
While I was in the office, the nurse called and left today's fertilization report on my voice mail. Here is the kicker! Yesterday, we had 16 embies. Today we have 17! One caught up with the others! OMG!! Never in a million years did I expect an increase. All I can say is that its a miracle. There is no rhyme or reason, only God. I don't know why, but I'll take whatever He decides to give us.
My BHcG will be 2 days after our 6th anniversary. I've just now been able to actually look that far ahead. I think we might actually make it. We are so close.... please God, Give us your blessings.
That's a whole lot of embies! Wishing you luck on the transfer!
Wonderful - they are doing so great!! Hope that everything continues to go this well!
Wow - how awesome to have so many embryos! Best wishes for your transfer Hollie!
Good luck to you!!
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