Isaiah 40:31

"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall walk and not be weary, they shall run and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Monday, January 4, 2010

Things Im thinking about...

Im thinking on several things. I have had no real revelations on any of them, just thought I'd throw out there what is going on in my head.

1- I have loved living my dream for the last 12 weeks and can't contain my excitement for the wonderful things to look forward to for the rest of my life.

2- I have a guilty feeling for being on this side of IF. After 5+ years, I never thought THIS would be me.

3- Thinking back on about year 3 of IF, I put so much importance on the giving birth experience. It was an experience, I'm glad to have had it. But the reason why I'm glad is that I got a baby boy out of it.

4- Im already thinking about those 3 totsicles we have in the freezer and about another go at this. Still have to lose some weight, so it will be a little while. :O) Are two miracles too much to ask for?
AND if the next FET doesn't work, will we go through all this again? If I had to answer right now, the answer would be no.

5- I have been so blissfully happy since we found out that we were preggo, and that is coming up on year ago now. WHOA time flies!


Delenn said...

I love that picture of you two. Glad to hear an update from you. And I get the pregnancy thing--its a means to an end. A beautiful end, too.

Best Wishes for the New Year!

The Blessed Barrenness said...

What a beautiful photograph! I hear you on the guilt thing, guilt seems to follow me wherever I go these days.
Enjoy your little man!

Jessica White said...

I feel guilty how dare I ask for a 2nd when others are still waiting on a 1st.

I love that picture of the two of you.

Chelle said...

Ahhh, what a sweet pic. I love it! I hear you on the guilt thing...thus the falling off the radar, but I'm back now. Thank you for finding me!

I will e-mail you soon! Miss you!

Kelly said...

Your son is BEAUTIFUL! Congrats!

Cajun Cutie said...

Beautiful family, I think it is perfectly reasonable for you to still have the dream of multiple children. I wish you all the best.