Isaiah 40:31

"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall walk and not be weary, they shall run and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Thursday, January 8, 2009

It is CD2, Again.

CD1 was too hectic to write about, so I'm attempting on cd2.

I can't believe I'm back in the mode of referring to days as CYCLE DAYS. Guess its like getting back on a bicycle. A bicycle that has no seat, only that horrible pole. Something stole my nice comfy seat a long time ago. One where the chain jumps off the spinny thing all the time. I'm sure I will experience a flat tire or two. I'm not expecting this to be an easy ride, can you tell.

I looked back and I think I'm up about 3 pounds from my Pre-Holiday weight. Not bad, but not particularly good. I wanted to give us the best possible shot at this working, and I'm guessing from this point on, I have to accept that my weight is an issue in this.

Just to recap- we have 6 totsicles. I pray that when they thaw the first two, that they look great and we transfer them. Keeping the other 4 chillin'. But only God knows how that will turn out. Guess we will find out T-day.

I'm not even really sure how this cycle will go. Its been awhile since I did this, my mind is kind of foggy. But I'm sure when I get all my info, it will feel like jumping back on that ole bicycle.


Patricia said...

Happy New Year, Hollie.

I hope that getting back in the swing of things proves easy for you. I also pray that this cycle works to bring you the family you desire!

Soapchick said...

You are in my thoughts Hollie as you go into another cycle!! God totsicles!!!

Chelle said...

Back up on the horse!! YAY!!! I have been thinking about you. I am so glad that you can do an FET instead of the full blown cycle.

My thoughts are with you!