Isaiah 40:31

"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall walk and not be weary, they shall run and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Monday, August 18, 2008


Today is cd2. I go on Wednesday (cd4) for baseline bloodwork and ultrasound. Its been awhile since I referred to days in my life as cd (cycle days). It feels strange to be going down this path again. I am apprehensive. I wouldn't be telling the truth if I didn't tell you that.
For some strange reason, there is a certain amount of comfort to starting this process again as well. Its sort of like watching old Andy Griffith episodes. Yeah, of course you know how bad Aunt Bea's pickles are and you know that if Barney gets hold of a gun with a bullet, he will have some reason for shooting at his feet. But whenever you see a re-run, you are at a different point in your life, so you might catch these small subtle details about it that you didn't see the first time. I'm hoping that this go around, I have the same great results of the IVF, but that I also make it to a fresh transfer without the OHSS and hospitalization.
Goals for this week are to breathe in and out, put one foot in front of the other, and to really take one step at a time. Also, next Monday, I'm going to go in for my SIS and HSG. Just one step at a time.........


Happy said...

It sounds like you're in a good positive place right now.

Soapchick said...

I really like your goals this week. Very achievable!!! Keep up the good work.

Patricia said...

I come via Mel's blog because I loved your prayers on the Wish post.

I pray that you have success and peace throughout this new cycle.

Leslee said...

Glad the ball is rolling for you! Hope this is it for you!

Thanks for commenting on my blog. My IF blog is Stop by when you can!
