Isaiah 40:31

"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall walk and not be weary, they shall run and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Thursday, August 13, 2009

All is well

PHEW! All is well after yesterday's trek to the big city. There is no need for more followup, but I'm certainly glad we got a good opinion from a specialist on it to ease our minds.
Our Stickie is in the 41st percentile for size at this time (31 weeks). He weighs 3 pounds, 7 ounces. His renal pelvis area was still slightly enlarged (6.3cm and 6.8cm) however the Dr said that they have different criteria for "abnormal" than at our hospital. They say anything that's over 7 cm, which his was slightly above that at the last ultrasound, is abnormal. So we are right on the border. Dr said that we should tell the pediatrician when he's born and he doesn't expect that there will be any more issue with it.
He scanned the rest of our lil man and when he got to the heart, he was punching keys on the machine and he just under his breath said, "Perfect". I already knew his heart was perfect! Not in the physical sense, but I have such a feeling that this lil man is going to be a blessing to so many. I hope he has half the heart that his Granddaddy did and his Daddy does! (he will be named after the two of them) Also, he has moved from being head under my ribs to head over to my left. Basically, he's perpendicular (90degrees) to the ground, if that makes sense. I knew he'd done some shifting on Sunday. Also, I've had to go to the bathroom more frequently, I think thats because he's tap dancing on my bladder! I don't care, he can use me and abuse me. This is his home for 9 more weeks, and I'll take whatever he dishes out. I'm so in love already!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

When did I get pg?

Officially it was February. BUT at 30 weeks 2 days, I am now FEELING preggo. I am pretty perky when I wake up, if I've had a good night's sleep. I move at a fairly normal pace until about 1pm. Then it goes down hill. It becomes a struggle to do anything. Go down the hall to the bathroom, get in the car and drive home, walk down the drive to get the mail (pitiful isn't it). I've now gained 24 pounds thus far. I'm hoping to keep it under 35.

I haven't blogged about this, maybe I'm in denial that something could possibly be wrong with our Stickie. So a little history...

18 week anatomy scan- all well, couldn't view kidneys well because of positioning. Followup at 23 weeks- I was told all was well. 27 weeks- got a call from the ultrasound place saying I had an appointment for a follow up ultrasound of Stickie's kidneys. This prompted me to call my OB office. I got very little info. Had an appointmet at 28 weeks. Was told that he has enlarged kidneys, but no need to be alarmed. 29 weeks- had the followup ultrasound. Today- OB appointment with my favorite dr.

Long story short, I'm going to go to the big city and have a specialist perform a targeted ultrasound on Stickie's kidneys and ureters. He evidently has enlarged "renal pelvis" or area at the top of the ureter. This could mean several things. There could be an obstruction in the ureter causing a back up into the kidney, or this could just be an immaturity issue and it will resolve itself, which is the more likely of the two options. Either way, I'd like to get a specialist's opinion on the subject. If we need to be prepared, lets get prepared. If Stickie needs antibiotics or surgery after he's born, I'd rather know it now than the day he's born!

Other than his kidney issue, Stickie is growing normally and as of last week weighed 2.9 pounds! Amazing! Our lil man is growing, and all other anatomical structures look normal. So at this point, I have nothing to freak out about, so I'm not going to freak out! Just concerned, really. And want to be prepared.

Thought I'd share with ya'll what is going on. Hope all is well. I've been terrible at keeping up with all of ya'll and commenting. To say that life is going pretty fast right now is an understatement.